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Designed to make the cup smaller which helps increase your focus and confidence on the greens, Putt Pocket is the easy-to-use trainer that trims strokes off your game.  ... Learn more

The Longridge Pro Putting Mat is designed to help you practice your putting indoors and make putting fun.  ... Learn more

The Longridge Pro Putting Mat is designed to help you practice your putting indoors and make putting fun.  ... Learn more

The Visio Start Line Trainer is a versatile and innovative training aid that will provide the player with specific feedback on their ability to hit their intended starting line, one of the most important skills required in putting. The device has 3 different width 'gate' settings where tee pegs can be placed into the holes. If the ball starts outside of the required degree of accuracy on each setting then it will collide with the tee peg providing both visual and auditory feedback. ... Learn more

The Putt Path Gates help players visualize the line and improve their putting consistency and accuracy on the green by utilizing three different size putt gates. Markers on each gate assist in reading the starting point, line, and break when on the practice green. The set includes a 4, 8, and 12-inch gates to work on short and long sweeping putts. ... Learn more

The Visio impact gates will help you train your centredness of strike, creating better distance control and help you hole more putts. The impact gates are unique in that the design allows for a slight arc which represents a more accurate depiction of how the putter moves compared to traditional impact gates. The arc size reflect the same arc as the popular class 3 template. The Visio impact gates can be used indoors or outdoors and can be placed to create various widths of difficulty to help you train the ideal impact conditions. Visio zipped case included Set of 2 impact gates ... Learn more

Mi Putting Template is a putting mat designed to give you visual and kinaesthetic feedback of one the most important aspects of putting, controlling the face angle. The series of templates (12, 15, 18 & 21 degrees) represent four commonly found curvatures 'or' arcs of stroke. The 12 arc represents a shallow arc stroke, 15-18 offer medium arcs and the 21 a strong arc stroke. The number represents the degree of the inclined plane. Available in 12° or 18° ... Learn more

Visio Putting Gates give you instant feedback on your ability to hit your starting line. The Visio Putting Gates come in a pack of 3 sizes (RED 60mm, SILVER 55mm and BLACK 50mm). Includes 1 x set of indoor feet attachments. A tape measure is also supplied to enable accurate measurement of specific distances for gate placement. ... Learn more

The Tour Mirror helps identify shoulder and head alignment faults. With arching and straight target putting path lines to train an optimal stroke, putting strokes can be develped and a golfers short game improved. ... Learn more

The mini tour mirror gives visual feedback where your eyes, putter face and shoulders are in relation to the shot. Use to gain correct stance, position and align target to cup. Once the mirror is in position, place the golf ball inside the ball gate and use the alignment guides to practice stroke. Then swing putter through the target line and gain greater posture, set up and consistency. Portable, compact size 10 x 14cm. ... Learn more